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Consistently getting good results is hard because there is always pressure to react to circumstances, rather than maintain a proactive, disciplined approach. The services below will help you apply simple frameworks to identify the desired results and to make steady progress toward them.

Performance Management and Reporting
Use data to plan, track, and report on services, programs and strategies
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Data Management and Data Governance
Ensure quality and prevent harm in data uses ranging from performance measurement to AI
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RFP and Grant Proposal Evaluation
Create consistent, effective selection processes that integrate your organization’s values
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For twice-monthly articles with principles and practical tips for leaders and practitioners on how to use data to achieve great results for your community, sign up for the I Don't Care About Data newsletter.

Performance Management and Reporting

Measure Performance

  • Develop metrics to track program and service operations and impact
  • Develop internal and external program and service performance reporting

Develop Program and Service Strategies

  • Use an iterative data-driven process to design program change or development strategies
  • Develop an open data program that provides value to the community and to your organization

Build Organizational Capacity for Value-Driven Data-Informed Decision Making

  • Develop a long-term strategy to build your organization's capacity to use data to drive results
  • Get training in data informed decision-making and effective data governance for a team, department or an entire organization

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Data Management and Data Governance

Assess and Mitigate Data and AI Risks

  • Assess data quality issues and develop strategies to address them
  • Identify and mitigate potential privacy issues in your data uses
  • Identify and mitigate potentially harmful uses or unintended consequences of planned data applications

Develop Strategic Data Programs

  • Develop and integrate policies, practices, procedures for strategic use of data and AI
  • Identify and take advantage of opportunities for automation and other technology-assisted improvements

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RFP and Grant Proposal Evaluation

Create Effective Evaluation Rubrics

  • Integrate organizational values into every aspect of your evaluation
  • Design evaluation rubrics that maximize consistency among evaluators
  • Leverage tools to automatically aggregate evaluator results

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